
D610 v.s. D7100 12件你該知道的關鍵差異
(Via Digital Camera World)
但D600的製塵事件讓許多購買者出現疑慮,在D610的推出之時,這場FX vs DX之爭又再次登場。
Digital Camera World也刊出一篇比較文,來幫助有意購買的人找出最適合他們的相機。


The D610 offers full-frame images, but the D7100 offers the same resolution, it’s cheaper and it means DX owners can keep using their existing lenses.

Nikon D610 vs D7100: 1) 解析度


我們的實驗室測試顯示D7100vsD600在Jpg上是並駕齊驅,都是解析2800行 寬/相片高。
但D600在RAW轉檔為Tiff時更有優勢,提升到3000行 寬/相片高。我們還沒測試D610,

Both cameras have 24-megapixel sensors. The D610 has a full-frame sensor, and the larger size (roughly twice that of the D7100) should give it an inherent quality advantage.

But the D7100 dispenses with the usual anti-aliasing filter (just like the ground-breaking Nikon D800E) to provide super-fine sharp detail. Our lab tests reveal that in a Nikon D7100 vs D600 comparison the were neck and neck for JPEGs, both resolving 2800 line widths/picture height, but the D600 edged ahead with RAW files converted into TIFFs, going up to 3000 line widths/picture height. We haven’t been able to test the new D610 yet, but the sensor is unchanged so we’d expect the same result.

Nikon D610 vs D7100: 2) 感光元件大小



It’s not just about megapixels and resolution. The larger sensor in the D610 will produce images with less overall depth of field and, often, a greater feeling of depth and space.

It’s easier to get shallow depth of field effects with a full-frame DSLR, though this can backfire if you want to shoot landscapes or still life shots where everything in the frame is sharp, from near to far. A full-frame camera gives you a reduction in depth of field roughly equivalent to 1 f-stop – it’s neither good nor bad, but something to be aware of.

Nikon D610 vs D7100: 3) 鏡頭 part 1

這表示買了D610只是個開始而已 -往後還會有更多開銷。

If you have a selection of DX lenses, you’ll have to ditch them when you move up to the D610. You can use them in ‘crop’ mode, but then you’ll be wasting most of the D610’s potential. This means buying the Nikon D610 itself will only be the start – there will be plenty more expense to come. With the Nikon D7100, of course, your existing lenses will be just fine.
D610 v.s. D7100 12件你該知道的關鍵差異
(Via Digital Camera World)

Nikon D610 vs D7100: 4) 鏡頭 part 2



在D7100上,70-200mm f/2.8提供了等效105-300mm的焦段,要價大約£1600。
在D610上要買的同樣的焦段和同樣的大光圈,你需要買Nikon 300mm f/2.8定焦鏡,要價£4000。

讓你的望遠鏡頭能再更望遠,70-200mm f/2.8將變成136.5-390mm f/2.8。
D610上最相近的替代方案是Nikon 400mm f/2.8,要價£6600。

The 1.5x crop factor of the Nikon D7100 means that your telephoto lenses will have a longer reach. This could be especially important for sports and wildlife photographers.

Fast, professional-quality telephotos become exponentially more expensive as the focal length increases, and here’s a comparison that makes the point plainly.

On the D7100, Nikon’s 70-200mm f/2.8 telephoto zoom offers an effective focal range of 105-300mm, and it costs £1600. To get the same focal length and maximum aperture on the Nikon D610, you’d need the Nikon 300mm f/2.8 prime lens, which is a whopping £4000.

That’s not all. The Nikon D7100’s new 1.3 ‘crop’ mode, which still delivers 16-megapixel images (the same as the older D7000), gives your telephotos more reach still. The 70-200mm f/2.8 we used as an example earlier now effectively becomes a 136.5-390mm f/2.8! The Nikon 400mm f/2.8 lens, the nearest equivalent for the Nikon D610, costs £6600.

Nikon D610 vs D7100: 5) ISO 範圍

D610 v.s. D7100 12件你該知道的關鍵差異
(Via Digital Camera World)

兩台相機都提供了100-6400 的ISO範圍。


Both cameras offer an ISO range of 100-6400 but, all other things being equal, we’d put our money on the D610 to offer the best quality at high ISOs – with photosites twice the size of those in the Nikon 7100, it’s got a big head start.

In our lab tests, the Nikon D600 did prove superior to the D7100 at ISO 6400, with a signal-to-noise ratio of 32 versus 28. Again, the sensor is the same, so we’d expect the Nikon D610 to repeat that performance.

Nikon D610 vs D7100: 6) 對焦

D7100使用了Nikon最新專業級的51點Multi-CAM 3500DX AF系統,



There’s no competition here, and the verdict doesn’t go in the direction you might expect. The Nikon D7100 uses the latest version of Nikon’s pro-spec 51-point Multi-CAM 3500DX AF system, with 15 cross-type sensors and the ability to work with apertures down to f/8.

This becomes very important when you use telephoto lenses with teleconverters. The D610 uses Nikon’s more amateur-orientated 39-point Multi-CAM4800AF sensor.

This too can work down to a sensitivity of f/8, but it’s the same as the one used in the D7000, and because the D610 has a larger frame area, the AF points are all near the centre of the frame, whereas the AF points in the Nikon D7100 reach practically to the edges.

Nikon D610 vs D7100: 7) 連拍能力


而且D7100的弱點是有限的緩衝能力 -它一次最多只能拍9張(最少為6張,是RAW檔的設定),

The D610 improves slightly on the D600′s frame rate, from 5.5fps to 6fps, so it matches the D7100 exactly. However, if you use the D7100’s 1.3x ‘crop’ mode, its frame rate goes up to 7fps.

The Nikon D610 hits back, though, with a new 3fps ‘Quiet Release’ mode, and the D7100′s weakness is its limited buffer capacity – it can shoot a maximum of 9 frames in a burst (or as few as 6, depending on the RAW settings), but the D610 can shoot between 14 and 26, which is a substantial advantage.

Nikon D610 vs D7100: 8) 快門速度


The Nikon D7100 offers a shutter speed range of 30 sec to 1/8000sec, while the D610 only goes to 1/4000 sec. There won’t be many occasions when that difference becomes significant, but for those shooting super-high-speed action, it could be important. And that’s not all.

The Nikon D610’s flash synchronization speed is 1/200 sec (or up to 1/250 sec with reduced range). The D7100’s flash sync speed is 1/250 sec (or up to 1/320 sec with reduced range). This gives the Nikon D7100 an edge for fill flash photography in daylight, too.

Nikon D610 vs D7100: 9) LCD 和 Live View

D610 v.s. D7100 12件你該知道的關鍵差異
(Via Digital Camera World)

但D7100的螢幕有較多點(1229k v.s. 921k)和超高亮度顯示來提供額外的亮度。
LV模式也有項有趣的創新 -"點白平衡"。

The D7100 and D610 LCD displays are the same size at 3.2 inches, but the D7100’s screen has more dots (1229k versus 921k) and a new high-intensity display for extra brilliance. The Live View mode has an interesting innovation, too – ‘spot white balance’. We’ve yet to use this properly, but it looks much faster than setting custom white balance in the normal way.

Nikon D610 vs D7100: 10) 錄影

在這項目裡沒什麼好選的了 -都有強大的錄影能力。
雖然D7100再次的微幅領先,因為在它的1.3裁切模式下有錄製高速50i 和d 60i FHD影片的能力。

There’s little to choose between these two cameras here – both have formidable movie-making capabilities. Again, though, the D7100 edges just slightly ahead, by offering high speed 50i and 60i (interlaced) full HD movies in its 1.3x crop mode.

Nikon D610 vs D7100: 11) 尺寸和重量

正如你的預期,D7100比D610來得小且輕 -但沒有差多少。

As you’d expect, the D7100 is both smaller and lighter than the D610 – but not by much. The D610 is just a few millimeters larger, and only 85g heavier. And that, in a full-frame camera, is deeply impressive. On paper, the D7100 is the winner, but all things considered we think the D610 deserves the top prize here.

Nikon D610 vs D7100: 12) 價格


This is the bottom line. The D7100, with 18-105mm kit lens, currently sells for around £1000. The D610 with a 24-84mm lens, the nearest equivalent, has a launch price of £2300.

That’s a huge difference, and once you factor in the cost of new lenses (if you’re upgrading from a DX format Nikon), the gap grows larger still.

The Nikon D7100 has been out for a while and obviously benefits from some discounting over time – it could take 2-3 months for the Nikon D610 price to stabilise before we can make a proper comparison.

Nikon D7100 vs D610: 結論

D610 v.s. D7100 12件你該知道的關鍵差異
(Via Digital Camera World)

但他仍是一大筆投資 -特別是你把日後鏡頭升級也考量進去的話。


然而 -而這是最重要的一點 -D7100確實為那些玩透D3000-D5000,或D90、D300s已經太舊的使用者

Stepping up to full-frame
is a big decision, and even though the D610 is Nikon’s most ‘affordable’ FX format camera (assuming it replaces the D600), it’s still a major investment – especially when you take new lenses into account.

But we think full-frame is still the way to go for all-out quality, and if that’s the way you feel too, then we think the D610 is the better choice.

However – and this is the most important point – the D7100 does offer a serious an upgrade choice for those who’ve outgrown their D3000- or D5000- series camera, or whose D90 or D300s has just got too long in the tooth.

Full frame cameras like the D610 may be more affordable than they were before, but the counter-argument is that thanks to the D7100′s excellent sensor, the need to go full frame has diminished.



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Nikon D5300 vs D5100 vs D5200:13件你該知道的關鍵差異 (上)

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