消息來源:Nikon Rumors
除了稍早的D600 D800更新外,Nikon又釋出了D4, D3S, D3X, D3, D7000 ,D3200的更新,
全部的更新都包括對800mm f/5.6的支援,
D4 和 D3200則有幾項額外的問題修正,
- 1.新增對AF-S 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR的支援
- 2.Auto white balance performance has been improved.
自動白平衡改善 - 3.Images are sharper and appear more three dimensional.
影像更銳利更立體 - 4.With live view photography in [M] (Manual) exposure mode, exposure preview was always on. This issue has been resolved.
M模式使用live view時,曝光預覽總是開啟的問題修復。
- 5.With shooting at an image quality setting of TIFF (RGB) and an image size setting of Small, the right edge of images contained a purple line. This issue has been resolved.
拍攝TIFF (RGB)和檔案大小設為小時,影像右緣出現紫線的問題修復。
- 6.In some rare cases, images recorded in JPEG format could not be opened by some software applications.
This issue has been resolved.
- 7.In some very rare cases, colours would change with shooting when white balance was set to a specific
colour temperature, as with Preset manual or Choose color temp. This issue has been resolved.
少數狀況下,使用Preset manual 和色溫設定,白平衡設定在某特定色溫下顏色會改變的問題修復。
Nikon D3s
Support for the AF-S NIKKOR 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR has been added.
1.新增對AF-S 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR的支援
Nikon D3x
Support for the AF-S NIKKOR 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR has been added.
1.新增對AF-S 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR的支援
Nikon D3
Support for the AF-S NIKKOR 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR has been added.
1.新增對AF-S 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR的支援
Nikon D7000
Support for the AF-S NIKKOR 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR has been added.
1.新增對AF-S 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR的支援
Nikon D3200
The following functions have been changed with shooting using the Wireless Mobile Utility.
- When the camera's shooting mode is set to Auto or Auto (flash off), it now operates in Auto or Auto (flash off) mode. Prior to this upgrade, the camera functioned in [P] (Programmed auto) exposure mode.
- Live view can now be initiated even when the camera is set to "Auto" or "No flash" in GUIDE mode.
-相機拍攝模式設為Auto 或 Auto (閃光燈關)時,現在可以在Auto 或 Auto (閃光燈關)模式下運作。
-現在GUIDE,相機設為"Auto" 或 " No flash模式下也可以啟動liveview
- In some very rare cases when certain memory cards were used, movie recording would stop, even when the
time remaining display indicated remaining recording time. This issue has been resolved.
In some very rare cases, colours would change with shooting when white balance was set to a
specific colour temperature, as with Preset manual or Incandescent. This issue has been resolved.
少數狀況下,使用Preset manual 和白炙燈設定時,白平衡設定在某特定色溫下顏色會改變的問題修復。