圖片與資料來源:Nikon Rumors
Nikon剛釋出了D600韌體更新C:1.01 及D800韌體更新A:1.01 / B:1.02
D600部分的主要改變是100% HDMI輸出,
D600 C:1.01:
1.新增對AF-S 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR的支援
3.Frame output size has been changed from 95% to 100% when movie live view display is changed to
"Information off" and an HDMI-compatible device is connected.
影片liveview顯示改變為Information off及與HDMI相容裝置連接時,影像輸出尺寸從95%變為100%,
4.An issue that caused the right edges of images to be somewhat white when captured at an Image area
setting of DX (24x16) 1.5x with Active D-Lighting set to Off has been resolved.
DX模式下,當主動式D-Lighting 關閉時,影像右側偏白的問題改善
5.When the camera's shutter-release button was pressed repeatedly for uninterrupted shooting with the
"Record to:" option in Camera Control Pro 2's Storage tab set to "PC+CARD", the camera would stop
responding with displaying "Err" in its control panel. This issue has been resolved.
6.In some very rare cases, colors would change with shooting when white balance was set to a specific color
temperature, as with Preset manual or Choose color temp. This issue has been resolved.
少數狀況下,使用Preset manual 和色溫設定,白平衡設定在某特定色溫下顏色會改變的問題修復。
D800 A:1.01 / B:1.02
1.新增對AF-S 800mm f/5.6E FL ED VR的支援
3.Gamut for Adobe RGB images displayed in the camera's monitor has been changed. This enables more
vivid display of images.
機身螢幕顯示的Adobe RGB影像的Gamut被改變的問題修正。
4.With live view photography in [M] (Manual) exposure mode, exposure preview was always on. This issue has been resolved.
M模式使用live view時,曝光預覽總是開啟的問題修復。
5.In some very rare cases when certain memory cards were used, movie recording would stop, even when
the time remaining display indicated remaining recording time. This issue has been resolved.
6.With shooting at an image quality setting of TIFF (RGB) and an image size setting of Small, the right edge of images contained a purple line. This issue has been resolved.
拍攝TIFF (RGB)和檔案大小設為小時,影像右緣出現紫線的問題修復。
7.In some rare cases, images recorded in JPEG format could not be opened by some software applications.
This issue has been resolved.
8.In some very rare cases, colors would change with shooting when white balance was set to a specific color temperature, as with Preset manual or Choose color temp. This issue has been resolved.
少數狀況下,使用Preset manual 和色溫設定,白平衡設定在某特定色溫下顏色會改變的問題修復。