(Via Digital Camera World)
在Nikon D5300 vs D5100 vs D5200:13件你該知道的關鍵差異 (上) 一文中,
Digital Camera World為我們點出了6項這三台相機的關鍵差異點,
07 LCD螢幕
• D5100 3-吋 921k-點翻轉式螢幕
• D5200 3-吋 921k-點翻轉式螢幕
• D5300 3.2-吋 1073k-點翻轉式螢幕
The flip-out vari-angle LCD display has been a common factor on all Nikon’s D5000-series cameras, and the screen is the same on both the D5100 and D5200. The D5300 brings in a slightly larger, slightly higher-resolution screen.
08 特效
• D5100 7 種特效
• D5200 7 種特效
• D5300 9 種特效
These effects modes are unique to the D5000-series cameras. The Nikon D5100 and D5200 come with Night vision, Color sketch, Miniature, Selective color, Silhouette, High key and Low key effects, and the Nikon D5300 adds two more: Toy Camera and a single image HDR painting effect.
09 影片模式
• D5100 1920 x 1080 at 30p, 25p, 24p
• D5200 1920 x 1080 at 60i, 50i, 30p, 25p, 24p
• D5300 1920 x 1080 at 60p, 50p, 30p, 25p, 24p
這三台D5000系列的相機都可以在30p, 25p and 24p下拍攝1920x1080 FHD 的影片。
D5200可以在60 或 50 fps下拍攝兩倍慢速影片,但前提是在i模式下。
D5300則可以在更高品質的p模式下拍攝60 或 50 fps的影片,
All three D5000-series cameras can shoot 1920 x 1080 full HD movies at standard 30p, 25p and 24p frame rates. The D5200 added the ability to shoot at twice normal speed for slow-motion effects at 60 or 50 frames per second, but only in interlaced (‘i’) mode.
The Nikon D5300 can shoot at 60 or 50 frames per second in the higher quality progressive (‘p’) mode. The Nikon D5100, to be honest, is probably fine for most users, and the newer D5200 and D5300 simply add higher frame rates than many won’t use.
10 Wi-fi 和 GPS
• D5100 無 wi-fi 連接能力, GPS可選購 GP-1 套件
• D5200 Wi-fi 可選購WU-1a 套件, GPS 可選購 GP-1 套件
• D5300 Wi-fi 及 GPS 皆內建
The Nikon D5100 came out before Nikon’s plug-in wi-fi adaptors were launched, so if you want wi-fi image transfer to a smart device and remote control you’ll need the D5200 and Nikon’s WU-1a adaptor (around £48/$49).
Even better, the Nikon D5300 has wi-fi built-in. If you want to add location data to your photos with GPS, you can get the GP-1/A adaptor (around £200/$280) for the Nikon D5100 and D5200, but the D5300 has GPS built in.
If you want both, you could argue that the D5300 saves you the cost of both add-ons – and the combined value of £248/$329 does represent a major saving.
11 機身結構
• D5100 128 x 97 x 79mm, 510g
• D5200 129 x 98 x 78mm, 505g
• D5300 125 x 98 x 76mm, 480g
The Nikon D5100 and D5200 use regular camera construction techniques, but the D5300 is the first Nikon DSLR to have a ‘monocoque’ construction – a body made in a single piece. This saves weight with no reduction in strength.
The Nikon D5100 and D5200 were already very light at 510g and 555g respectively, but the new Nikon D5300 weighs just 480g. It’s also a few millimetres smaller than both its predecessors. Nikon says the D5300 also has an improved grip.
12 電池續航力
• D5100 EN-EL14, 400 張
• D5200 EN-EL14, 500 張
• D5300 EN-EL14a, 600 張
The D5100 and D5200 share the same battery type, but energy efficiency improvements in the D5200 extended the battery life from 400 shots to 500.
But the D5300 has a new ‘a’ version of the battery which is externally the same but modified to give an even longer life of 600 shots.
13 價格
• D5100 £336/$547 單機身, £389/$647 搭配 18-55mm VR kit 鏡
• D5200 £509/$697 單機身, £549/$797 搭配 18-55mm VR kit 鏡
• D5300 £730/$TBC 單機身, £830/$TBC 搭配 18-55mm VR kit 鏡
The longer cameras stay on the market, the cheaper they become, so although the Nikon D5100 and D5200 were launched at a similar price to the Nikon D5300, they’re now a great deal cheaper.
The D5100 is around half the cost of the Nikon D5300 price tag, and although it uses an older sensor and a less sophisticated AF system, it’s still a very good camera – especially at this price.
The Nikon D5200 has the same resolution and AF system as the D5300, and it also cheaper, but by a smaller margin.
The Nikon D5300′s price looks high at the moment, but is bound to fall over time and in a few weeks’ time the price differentials should be less distorted. At the moment, though, you’ll pay a hefty premium to get the D5300′s new features.
The Nikon D5300 offers a large number of small improvements rather than a single, ground-breaking innovation. Arguably, that came with the D5200, its 24-megapixel sensor and 39-point AF system.
But the D5300 is the first Nikon DSLR to have wi-fi and GPS built in, which is much simpler than plugging in external adaptors and a great deal cheaper too.
Even if you aren’t particularly interested in these features, the removal of the optical low pass filter, improved image processing, larger screen and lighter body are all useful improvements in themselves.
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