Nikon has launched the D5200 and D7100 digital SLRs in quick succession.
Both have 24-megapixel sensors, both use Nikon DX format lenses, and both are designed for photo
enthusiasts. So how do you choose between them?
Our detailed Nikon D7100 vs D5200 breakdown shows the key differences between these two cameras –
and don’t just assume the more expensive camera is the best because there are pros and cons to each, as we reveal…
我們詳盡的D7100 vs D5200分析將指出這兩台相機的關鍵不同處
Nikon D7100 vs D5200:
1. Sensor: Aliasing vs non-aliased
Both cameras have a 24-megapixel APS-C sensor measuring 23.5 x 15.6mm. Nikon claims that the sensor in the D7100 is a brand new design, but the key point for most users will be the fact that Nikon’s left out the
OLPF (Optical Low Pass Filter), also known as the anti-aliasing filter, in front of the sensor. These are used to prevent moiré (interference effects) with fine patterns and textures, but at the cost of slightly blurring the fine
detail. Nikon’s decided that the size and resolution of this sensor makes moiré unlikely and that the gain in sharpness from removing the filter is a bigger benefit. As a result, although the D7100 and D5200 have the
same resolution, you can expect the fine detail from the D7100 to be slightly sharper.
兩台相機都是尺寸為23.5 x 15.6mm、2400萬畫素的APS-C感光元件。
關鍵的是它在感光元件前少了光學低通濾鏡 -也稱為反失真濾波器。
2. Autofocus: 39 points vs 51
The D7100 uses the sophisticated 51-point autofocus system used by Nikon’s professional digital SLRs,
whereas the D5200 uses a slightly less advanced 39-point ‘amateur’ version. Both are fast and powerful by any standards, but you can expect the D7100 to have a slight edge. It has 15 more sensitive ‘cross-type’
sensors compared to 9 cross-type sensors in the D5200. The D7100’s autofocus can also be used with
lenses that have an effective maximum aperture of f/8, which is important if you’re going to use telephoto
lenses and teleconverters.
3. Autofocus: AF vs AF-S
The D5200’s smaller body does not contain an autofocus motor. That’s fine if you intend using Nikon’s
later AF-S lenses, which have their own autofocus motors, but not if you have older AF lenses, where the focus mechanism is driven by the camera body. The D7100 has an autofocus motor built into the body – you can
see the tiny drive shaft in the lower left corner of the lens mount flange here – so the autofocus will work fine with these older lenses. (Note that some older independent lenses don’t have autofocus motors built in either.) The D7100 has the advantage if you have older lenses in your collection or you’re planning to get some.
4. Memory: 1 card slot vs 2
The D5200 has a single SD/SDHC/SDXC memory card slot, but the D7100 has two. This isn’t simply to
provide extra storage capacity – the real benefit is that you can use the second card to split JPEG and RAW
files, for example, or you can use one card for stills and the other for movies, or you can use the second card to keep a running backup of your images as you shoot. It’s not a major advantage for amateurs, but it could
be a useful feature for experts or pros.
D5200有單一的SD/SDHC/SDXC 記憶卡槽,但D7100有兩個。這不是單純提供而外儲存空間而已,
5.觀景窗:五面鏡 vs 五稜鏡
5. Viewfinder: Pentamirror vs pentaprism
The D5200 uses a cheaper ‘pentamirror’ design which covers 95% of the image area the sensor will
capture, but the D7100 has a more expensive and traditional ‘pentaprism’ design which provides a better
image and covers a full 100% of the image area. You may not notice the difference if you use either camera individually, but you will if you put them side by side.
6. Shutter speed range
The D5200 has a shutter speed range of 1/4000 sec to 30 sec, while the D7100 goes from 1/8000 sec to 30 sec. It has a small advantage, then, but the situations where you’ll actually need or want to shoot at 1/8000
sec will be pretty rare. More usefully, the D7100 has a flash sync speed of 1/250 sec, whereas on the D5200
it’s 1/200 sec. This gives the D7100 a slight advantage for fill-flash photography in bright daylight.
D5200的快門速度範圍是1/4000 秒~ 30 秒,D7100則是1/8000 秒 to 30 秒,D7100小幅領先。
但其實會使用1/8000 秒拍攝的場合很少。比較有用的是,D7100的閃燈同步速度是1/250 秒,
D5200則是1/200 秒,這使得D7100在白天的強制閃光攝影比較有優勢。
7.連拍速度:5fps vs 6/7fps
7. Continuous shooting: 5fps vs 6/7fps
The D5200 can shoot continuously at 5 frames per second (fps), which is pretty good for an amateur camera, especially one with such high resolution, but the D7100 can shoot at 6fps – or 7fps in its 1.3x ‘crop mode’. This gives it a modest but significant advantage for sports and action photography.
但D7100可以達到6fps -或7fps(使用1.3x裁切模式時)
8. Battery grip
The D7100 takes an optional battery grip (the new MB-D15), but the D5200 does not. This gives the D7100 an additional advantage for continuous shooting – the maximum frame rate remains the same, but with an
EN-EL15 battery fitted in the grip, it can take up to 1,900 shots between charges. The MB-D15 can also take 6 AA-size batteries. Apart from offering improved battery life, the grip makes the camera easier to hold and has an additional shutter release button and command dials positioned specifically for vertical shooting.
這讓D7100在連續拍攝時更有優勢 -最大連拍速度維持一樣,但多一顆EN-EL15電池裝在手把裡,
9. Built-in flash: Commander mode
The built-in flash unit is the same in both cameras, but the D7100 has the advantage again because it can be used in ‘commander’ mode to control other external Nikon Speedlights remotely. For most users it’s not
a must-have feature, but it could be important for enthusiasts or pros who work extensively with flash.
10.LCD螢幕:固定式 VS 翻轉式
10. LCD display: Fixed versus articulating
Technically, The D7100’s 3.2-inch display beats the 3-inch display on the D5200. It’s larger, and it also has a higher resolution of 1,229k dots versus 921k dots. But (and it’s a big BUT), the D5200’s display is fully
articulating, making it much easier to shoot macros, movies, waist-level, ground-level and overhead shots. We say this gives the D5200 a major advantage when you’re composing shots in Live View.
因為他比較大,也有比較高的解析度。(1,229k 點 vs 921k 點)
這點讓你在使用Live View取景時,D5200有了巨大的優勢
11.電池:EN-EL14 vs EN-EL15
11. Battery: EN-EL14 vs EN-EL15
The D5200 uses a relatively slim EN-EL14 battery, where the D7100 uses a fatter EN-EL15. We don’t have
official battery life figures from Nikon yet, but we think the D7100 is likely to go significantly longer between charges, especially if you use the Live View mode for any length of time.
D5200使用的是比較小的EN-EL14 電池,而D7100則是使用EN-EL15。
特別是當你使用Live View 模式時。
12. Size and weight: 555g vs 765g
The D7100 is very compact for an enthusiasts D-SLR, but it’s still a few millimetres larger than the D5200 in width and height, and a massive 210g heavier. Many people won’t mind the extra size and weight, but if
space in your bag is limited and you like to travel light, the D5200 comes out on top. There is a downside to
the D5200′s miniaturisation, though, in that people with large hands may find it awkward to hold and operate.
13.機身材質:金屬 vs 塑膠
13. Build quality: metal vs plastic
The D5200 is all plastic, but the D7100 has magnesium alloy top and back plates for extra robustness. It also has the dust and moisture seals found on Nikon’s professional cameras, so it’s going to be much better for adventurous outdoor photography in tough conditions. It doesn’t have the all-metal build of Nikon’s
professional DX-format camera, the D300s, but it’s a clear step above the D5200.
14.控制介面:初學者 vs 專家
14. Control layout: beginner versus expert
The D5200 has almost all the features of the D7100, but it’s designed to be much more user-friendly for
beginners or photographers who are still learning. Its interactive interface is clear and helpful, but more
experienced users may find it soon becomes frustrating because the manual settings are that little bit more difficult to get to. The D7100, by contrast, is designed more for enthusiasts. It’s easier to get to common
manual adjustments and the D7100 has two command dials not one, which speeds things up even further.
Nikon D7100 vs D5200:我們的想法
Nikon D7100 vs D5200: what we think
The D5200 is smaller, cheaper and more novice-friendly than the D7100. It has the same resolution and many of the same features, and we particularly like the articulating LCD display.
However, while you might not notice a huge difference in the picture quality, more experienced camera users
could quickly find the D5200’s simplified control layout quite frustrating, and the differences between the
D5200 and D7100 will become more apparent over time.
So we think that although the D5200 is a terrific camera for novices ready to try out more adventurous
photographic techniques, the D7100 is the one that true photo enthusiasts should go for. Image quality and
resolution aren’t the only factors – ergonomics, accessibility, speed and handling are more important in the long run.
畫質和畫素並不是唯一的因素 -人體工學、配件、速度和操作在長遠來看是更重要的。
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